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Intelligent Automation Services

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Intelligent Automation Solutions for Modern Businesses

Are there tasks that seem too challenging to digitize? Are there tasks your employees find mundane or error-prone? Do your digital tools need more human touch for certain roles?

Modern Businesses Automation

Well, we have the solution for you. We develop cognitive robots, and AI assistants take over repetitive, rule-based work - allowing your team to focus on more engaging, strategic duties. Most of all, these digital workers could think and interact just like people.

Our bots work around the clock with machine-level accuracy and speed. But they also continuously learn from interactions and outcomes. Powered by deep neural networks and predictive algorithms, these bots evolve in their abilities over time. They can understand any process, recognize patterns in data, and offer personalized recommendations.

By merging robotic automation abilities with the adaptive intelligence of AI, we help businesses automate even their most complex processes.

Realizing the Power of Intelligent Automation Solutions

Intelligent automation empowers companies to revolutionize their operations and achieve a sustainable competitive edge. When deployed effectively, AI, ML, and NLP technologies work together to automate complex workflows, augment human decision-making, and continuously optimize processes based on analytics. Here are a few such direct differences you can notice when you work with our intelligent automation company:

  • Enhance Operational Efficiency
    Eliminate manual errors, reduce operational costs, and accelerate task completion with precision.
  • Optimize Resource Allocation
    Allocate human resources strategically, allowing employees to focus on high-value, creative tasks that drive innovation.
  • Improve Decision-Making
    Improves decision-making with data-driven insights from AI/ML models that provide predictive and prescriptive recommendations.
  • Ensure Regulatory Compliance
    Stay ahead of regulatory changes by implementing automation solutions that adhere to industry standards and compliance requirements.
  • Strategic Implementation
    Facilitates smart deployment of human capital based on employee strengths rather than routine tasks handled by intelligent bots.
Realizing the Power Intelligent

Our Intelligent Automation Services

Transformations Tried, Tested and Trusted

Intelligent automation refers to automating tasks as well as augmenting human intelligence using artificial intelligence, machine learning and other advanced technologies. At its core are three core technologies – robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and analytics.

When combined effectively through intelligent business process management (iBPM), these technologies work together to automate complex workflows, augment human decision-making, and continuously optimize processes based on analytics. It goes beyond simple automation to deliver cognitive capabilities such as learning, reasoning and problem solving at scale.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

We develop bots that work alongside employees to perform repetitive tasks across enterprise systems. Our bots can extract and input data, move files, trigger responses, and more. It frees human workers to focus on high-value tasks.

Intelligent Automation Process

Intelligent Automation Process in Business Management

Our intelligent automation process combines RPA, AI, and analytics to automate complex workflows and decisions. We create dynamic processes that continuously learn and adapt to changing conditions for round-the-clock operations at a massive scale.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Leveraging AI/ML technologies, we develop cognitive solutions like virtual agents, predictive analytics models, and computer vision applications. These solutions automate knowledge work, gain insights from data to optimize operations, and automate complex decision-making.

Process Mining and Discovery

Process Mining and Discovery

Our process mining solutions analyze event logs generated by enterprise systems to create detailed "as-is" process models without disrupting operations. It helps identify bottlenecks, compliance issues, and automation opportunities to transform legacy processes into agile, cost-efficient processes.

Cognitive Automation

Cognitive Automation

Beyond basic automation, we build self-learning systems with cognitive automation capabilities that mimic human thought processes. Our cognitive bots and virtual agents can understand complex and unstructured language, adapt to new information, and continuously enhance itself.


We Deliver Intelligent Automation Services Across

USA | Canada | UK | Germany | France | Singapore | Italy |

Israel | Australia | Japan | Netherlands | Sweden | Switzerland | Norway

Trusted Intelligent Automation Partner for Leading Enterprises

  • Over 15 years of experience serving top global brands through cognitive robotic process automation.
  • 90%+ client satisfaction rating through a focus on long-term relationships.
  • Proven to revolutionize operations through increased efficiency, agility, and customer experience.
  • Cognitive capabilities allow the automation of complex processes across industries.
  • Solutions scalable for businesses of all sizes, from mid-market to Fortune 500 companies.
  • Strategic partnerships with global systems integrators to expand automation competencies worldwide.
  • Continuous innovation through R&D to create a self-improving system.
Intelligent Automation

Turbocharging Operations with Hybrid Automation

Using the full spectrum of intelligent automation technologies, we are helping businesses stay ahead of the curve and future-proof their operations. Our holistic approach incorporating RPA, AI and ML delivers transformative impact - whether it's optimizing thousands of man-hours, reducing costs by 30% or accelerating processes by 10x. As a result, clients gain competitive differentiation through innovations like predictive analytics, cognitive automation at scale, and hyper-personalized customer journeys. Here is the impact of our intelligent automation services India on businesses:

  • Automate invoice processing with AI and RPA to achieve 95% accuracy while slashing processing time by 80%.
  • Optimize customer onboarding using predictive analytics to reduce drop-off rates by 50% and onboard new customers 30% faster.
  • Leverage cognitive automation to analyze 10M+ contracts per year, enabling a marked increase in annual savings.
  • Streamline supply chain operations with IoT, machine learning, and predictive maintenance to eliminate 95% of downtime events.
  • Personalize marketing campaigns using AI to increase response rates by 200%.
  • Future-proof contact centers with cognitive agents to handle 5x more inquiries while improving CSAT scores.
  • Optimize hiring workflows by analyzing resumes, social profiles and coding samples with AI.
  • Leverage machine translation and NLP to automate knowledge base curation across 12+ languages.

Our Strategic Approach to Intelligent Automation

Intelligent automation is a journey, not a destination. Our intelligent automation process focuses on helping clients achieve the right mix and level of automation over time through the following steps:

Our Multi-Industry Experience

With intelligent automation solutions deployed across 20+ industry verticals, our company has unmatched cross-sector experience in leveraging intelligent process automation. We've helped clients in manufacturing, retail, logistics, healthcare, banking, insurance, and more to digitally transform their operations. By understanding the nuances of diverse processes and compliance needs, we've gained valuable exposure to a broad spectrum of challenges and opportunities.

This cross-pollination of insights allows us to identify cutting-edge best practices and forge innovative solutions applicable to any industry. As a result, we can rapidly contextualize our deep domain expertise to help businesses accelerate the benefits of automation regardless of their field. This unparalleled cross-industry perspective equips our company to revolutionize operations on a global scale.


Why Work With Our Intelligent Automation Company?

When evaluating an intelligent automation consulting services company, it is important to choose a provider with proven expertise, dedicated support capabilities, and advanced technologies that can revolutionize your operations.

For over a decade, we've been helping global enterprises of all sizes and industries unlock new levels of efficiency, agility, and customer experience through cognitive automation. Here are a few more reasons why working with us would make your business a whole lot of difference:

Work With Intelligent Automation
Managed Services

Managed Services

Our managed services ensure automation remains optimized as processes evolve through continuous improvement.

Partnership Approach

Partnership Approach

We foster long-term strategic partnerships and collaborate closely with clients throughout their automation journey.

Scalable Platform

Scalable Platform

Our intelligent automation platform is engineered for scalability and can support expansive rollouts across global operations.

Compliance Assurance

Compliance Assurance

With regulatory expertise, our solutions strengthen compliance while maintaining agility through automated safeguards.

Change Enablement

Change Enablement

Detailed change management programs and support ease adoption to maximize user productivity gains.

Cost Reduction

Cost Reduction

On average, our solutions deliver a 30% reduction in operating expenses through resource optimization.

Transparent Operations

Transparent Operations

We are transparent and provide full visibility into processes, progress and intelligence through discovery sessions, updates, hubs, and dashboards.

Our Engagement Models

Fixed Price

  • Project scope and deliverables agreed upfront.
  • Fixed total cost agreed upon regardless of time/resources.
  • Pay one lump sum.
  • Scope for only limited changes during development.
  • Best for well-defined projects with clear outcomes.


  • Pay per hour for each resource.
  • Actual hours and costs can vary from estimates.
  • Offers flexibility for changing requirements.
  • You pay only for time spent on the project.
  • Suitable for research/advisory work without a fixed scope.


  • Resources hired only when needed.
  • You pay only for resources utilized.
  • Highly flexible with no long-term commitments.
  • Easy to scale resources up or down.
  • Ideal for unpredictable spikes in demand.
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