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Synchronization of Dynamics CRM Database with Azure SQL DB via Data Export Service

These days, in this modern era of Cloud Technology, most clients desperately desire to sync up their Dynamics CRM data with their Azure Cloud storage. This blog shows you how we can copy and synchronize the Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM database with the MS Azure SQL database using Dynamics 365 Data Export Service.


Steps with Screenshots:

Login in MS Dynamics CRM instance.

Go to Settings → Dynamics Marketplace and search for Dynamics 365 Export Service.

Note: Data Export Service is an add-on that allows replicating Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE Online Data to Azure SQL Database.

synchronization crm

Choose your Organization and install. Wait for a few minutes till the solution gets the whole installed.

synchronization crm

Once the solution is installed, go to Settings → Data Export. (Pop-up window will open a page for Data Export Authentication, so we need to enable the pop-up https://discovery.crmreplication.azure.net/). Click on New to create a new Data Export File.

data export

We need the Azure Key Vault URL here, which securely stores the database connection string.

create export profile

When we click on the info icon, a dialog box with the PowerShell script pops up. It requires the values of our Subscription Id, Key-vault Name, Secret Key, Resource Group Name, Location, Connection String, Organization ID List and Tenant ID.

dailouge box

Now login to your Azure Account from portal.azure.com; create a new Azure SQL DB. Please refer to the below screenshot where we have created a Database HDMA_ExportDB_CE. Note down the connection string.

azure sql DB
azure sql DB

Go to the Firewall Settings and turn off the Firewall.

firewall settings

To get the Tenant ID of your Dynamics CRM instance, go to Settings → Customizations → Developer Resources.

tenant ID

Not down all the following values and put them in our PowerShell script.


PowerShell Command

In the PowerShell, run the following commands:

  • Install-Module AzureRM
  • Import-Module AzureRM

Then run the Script. Once it succeeds, copy the generated URL.

run script

Go to your Azure Key-Vault and check if the newly created Secret appears. Copy the URL in that Secret.

key vault CE

Open the newly created Key-Vault Secret and note down the Secret Identifier, as shown in the screenshot below.

key vault CE

Move back to your Dynamics CRM environment, and open the Export Profile Wizard. Paste the Key Vault URL that we copied above.

create export profile

Validate the Profile, select entity/entities, and Create and Activate.

validate profile
create export profile

Wait for some time till the Sync-up finishes.

my export profile


  • Move to your Azure SQL Database.
  • Run a simple SQL query, for example – SELECT name FROM dbo.Account;
  • See the Results section.
unit testing


In this tutorial, we have discussed how to integrate Dynamics CRM database with Azure SQL database from our extensive experience as a Microsoft Dynamics Company India. Now whatever change (Creation/Deletion/Modification) is made in the records collection of the entity selected in the Data Export Profile in CRM, the same would be reflected in the Azure SQL Database. An Azure DB Administrator can monitor all these changes from the Azure Portal.

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